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PHPFlasher offers a solid integration with Livewire v2.


PHP >= 7.2 Laravel >= 7.0


Please follow the same installation steps as for the Laravel Installation package.


Dispatch notifications from your components

#/ livewire

namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use Livewire\Component;

class MyComponent extends Component
    public function save()
        flash()->addInfo('Your information has been saved and a confirmation email has been sent.');

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.my_component');


For sweetalert you can listen to Confirmed, Denied and Dismissed from withing you component

#/ livewire events

namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use Livewire\Component;

class MyComponent extends Component
    protected $listeners = [

    public function delete()
            ->addInfo('confirm or deny action');

    public function sweetalertConfirmed(array $payload)
        toastr()->addSuccess('sweetalert was confirmed');

    public function sweetalertDenied(array $payload)
        toastr()->addError('sweetalert was denied');

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.my_component');

If the name of the event and the method you’re calling match, you can leave out the key. For example: protected $listeners = ['sweetalertConfirmed']; will call the sweetalertConfirmed method when the sweetalertConfirmed event is emitted.

event handlers context

Every listener method accept an array $data parameter which contain the following data :

public function sweetalertConfirmed(array $payload)
    $promise = $payload['promise'];
    $envelope = $payload['envelope'];

promise : the resolved promise from sweetalert.

envelope : the notification where the event happened.


PHPFlasher is a project by Younes KHOUBZA.