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PHPFlasher allows to display flash messages for common CRUD operations with ease.

Basic usage

class BookController
    public function save(FlasherInterface $flasher)
        $book = new Book();
        $book->setTitle('The Great Gatsby');
        // ...
        // some logic to save the book
        $flasher->addCreated(); // default message: 'The resource was created'
        $flasher->addCreated('book'); // default message: 'The book was created'
        $flasher->addCreated($book); // require the book to implement the `ResourceInterface` interface


The addCreated method is used to display a success message when a new record is created.

// default message: 'The resource was created'
$flash->addCreated(ResourceInterface|string|null $resource);
Parameter Type Description
$resource ResourceInterface/string/null Type of the resource that was created


The addUpdated method is used to display a success message when an existing record is updated.

// default message: 'The resource was updated'
$flash->addUpdated(ResourceInterface|string|null $resource);
Parameter Type Description
$resource ResourceInterface/string/null Type of the resource that was updated


The addSaved method is used to display a success message when a new record is created or an existing record is updated.

// default message: 'The resource was saved'
$flash->addSaved(ResourceInterface|string|null $resource);
Parameter Type Description
$resource ResourceInterface/string/null Type of the resource that was saved


The addDeleted method is used to display a success message when an existing record is deleted.

// default message: 'The resource was deleted'
$flash->addDeleted(ResourceInterface|string|null $resource);
Parameter Type Description
$resource ResourceInterface/string/null Type of the resource that was deleted


All the above CRUD operations are in fact shortcuts for the addOperation method.

The addOperation** method is used to display a predefined message for a CRUD operation. It accepts a $resource parameter that can be a string or a **ResourceInterface instance.

$flash->addOperation(string $operation, ResourceInterface|string|null $resource);
Parameter Type Description
$operation string Name of the CRUD operation
$resource ResourceInterface/string/null Type of the resource that was affected

Resource interface

Behind the scenes the addOperation method will use the getResourceType and getResourceName methods to get the type and name of the resource that was affected.


namespace Flasher\Prime\Translation;

interface ResourceInterface
     * Type of the resource that was affected.
     * for example: 'book', 'author', 'category'
    public function getResourceType(): string;

     * Name of the resource that was affected.
     * It will be used to identify the resource in the message.
     * for example: 'The Great Gatsby'
     * This could be for example:
     *    - the title of a book
     *    - the name of a user
     *    - the name of a category, product, etc.
    public function getResourceName(): string;


class Book implements ResourceInterface
    public function getResourceType(): string
        return 'book';

    public function getResourceName(): string
        return 'Harry Potter';

With this in place, the addCreated method will display the following message: ‘The book Harry Potter was created’

The format of the message is: :resource_type :resource_name was :operation

Custom messages

All the above CRUD operations message only PRESET MESSAGES that you can custom in the configuration file.

For Laravel:

// config/flasher.php
return [
    'presets' => [
        'created' => [
            'type' => 'success',
            'message' => 'The resource was created',
        'updated' => [
            'type' => 'success',
            'message' => 'The resource was updated',
        'saved' => [
            'type' => 'success',
            'message' => 'The resource was saved',
        'deleted' => [
            'type' => 'success',
            'message' => 'The resource was deleted',

For Symfony:

# config/packages/flasher.yaml
            type: success
            message: The resource was created
            type: success
            message: The resource was updated
            type: success
            message: The resource was saved
            type: success
            message: The resource was deleted


PHPFlasher allows you to translate the default messages.

For Laravel:

// resources/lang/vendor/flasher/en/messages.php
return [
    'The resource was created' => 'The :resource was created',
    'The resource was updated' => 'The :resource was updated',
    'The resource was saved' => 'The :resource was saved',
    'The resource was deleted' => 'The :resource was deleted',

// resources/lang/vendor/flasher/fr/messages.php
return [
    'The resource was created' => 'La ressource :resource a été ajoutée',
    'The resource was updated' => 'La ressource :resource a été mise à jour',
    'The resource was saved' => 'La ressource :resource a été enregistrée',
    'The resource was deleted' => 'La ressource :resource a été supprimée',

// resources/lang/vendor/flasher/ar/messages.php
return [
    'The resource was created' => 'تم إنشاء :resource',
    'The resource was updated' => 'تم تعديل :resource',
    'The resource was saved' => 'تم حفظ :resource',
    'The resource was deleted' => 'تم حذف :resource',

    'resource' => 'الملف',

For Symfony:

# translations/flasher.en.yaml
The resource was created: The :resource was created
The resource was updated: The :resource was updated
The resource was saved: The :resource was saved
The resource was deleted: The :resource was deleted

# translations/flasher.fr.yaml
The resource was created: La ressource :resource a été ajoutée
The resource was updated: La ressource :resource a été mise à jour
The resource was saved: La ressource :resource a été enregistrée
The resource was deleted: La ressource :resource a été supprimée

# translations/flasher.ar.yaml
The resource was created: تم إنشاء :resource
The resource was updated: تم تعديل :resource
The resource was saved: تم حفظ :resource
The resource was deleted: تم حذف :resource
resource: الملف

PHPFlasher is a project by Younes KHOUBZA.