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PHPFlasher assets can be installed from a cdn or using npm


Quick start guide for installing the PHPFlasher from cdn or npm.


To pull in the PHPFlasher via CDN, grab the latest version from jsdelivr


<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@flasher/flasher@1.2.4/dist/flasher.min.js"></script>


To install PHPFlasher from npm use the following command:

npm i @flasher/flasher


import flasher from "@flasher/flasher";

window.flasher = flasher; // only if you want to use it globally

flasher.error("Oops! Something went wrong!");
flasher.warning("Are you sure you want to proceed ?");
flasher.success("Data has been saved successfully!");
flasher.info("Welcome back");

or if you are using a cdn like this:

<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@flasher/flasher@1.2.4/dist/flasher.min.js"></script>
    flasher.error("Oops! Something went wrong!");
    flasher.warning("Are you sure you want to proceed ?");
    flasher.success("Data has been saved successfully!");
    flasher.info("Welcome back");

Other adapters

First grad the cdn for any js library adapter supported by PHPFlasher or install it with npm and then call the create() method on flasher object :

<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@flasher/flasher@1.2.4/dist/flasher.min.js"></script>
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@flasher/flasher-toastr@1.2.4/dist/flasher-toastr.min.js"></script>
    const factory = flasher.create('toastr');
    factory.error("Oops! Something went wrong!");
    factory.warning("Are you sure you want to proceed ?");
    factory.success("Data has been saved successfully!");
    factory.info("Welcome back");
    // or simply with
    flasher.toastr.error("Oops! Something went wrong!");
    flasher.toastr.warning("Are you sure you want to proceed ?");
    flasher.toastr.success("Data has been saved successfully!");
    flasher.toastr.info("Welcome back");

PHPFlasher is a project by Younes KHOUBZA.